miercuri, 15 martie 2017

Description of the project

My Dear Teacher - Omul drag de la catedra
eTwinning project

Description of the project:
"My Dear Teacher" is an international creative contest for students and a Symposium for teachers, meant to become a place where teachers can exchange examples of best practice and students can show their appreciation of their teachers' work.
The target group is made of students aged 5-19, teachers of various subjects and school councilors/psychologists/speech therapists, etc.
There are 2 sections for this project:
1.The contest for the students: literary (poems, prose, letters, essay), arts and crafts(drawings, caricatures, collages, 3D models), posters, PPT presentations, film.
2.The symposium for the teachers.
Themes for teachers:
a)    The Teacher in the Modern Society; 
b)    The Teacher's Image in Literature; 
c)    European Dimensions and Modern Perspectives in Education; 
d)    The Efficient Teacher-examples of best practice; 
e)    Educational soft.
Themes for councilors: 
a)    The Teachers and Their Courage to Teach; 
b)    Children and Teachers- Soul-Mates.

Aims of the project:
·         We plan our project to improve our students' skills concerning: communication in mother tongue and foreign languages, IT, arts and crafts, social and civic and cultural expression.
·         We want to promote our students' creativity and give them the opportunity to exchange best practices regarding artistic/technical IT expression.
·         We also want to promote the teachers' and school councilors' creativity and offer them a place where they can exchange best practices in teaching.
·         We promote the people's respect for the fundamental values in: education, culture, arts and crafts, aesthetics, social inter-relationship.
·         We want to establish a closer relationship between students and teachers.
The Romanian team from Baia Mare will promote the project through various means.
The main communication language among international partners will be English.
All articles/creations written by partner teachers/students will be sent in English/ Romanian/ French, by email to the hosts of the Contest/ Symposium and will be published in the blog and an eBook with ISBN code. The arts and crafts works will be sent by post.
All the details will be published on the project blog.
The partners work with their students/ write articles and send them to the host school in Baia Mare.
The host school will organize the art exhibition, evaluate the exhibits and make the blog and the eBook.
All partners will disseminate the project on various media.
The working deadlines:
·         18-20 March-making the blog.
·         20 March -1 May - sending the materials to Baia Mare.
·         1-10 May-evaluation of the materials.
·         10 May-1 June-making the eBook.
·         1-15 June- making the eBook and diplomas  and sending them to the participants.
    Technical specifications for the literary and arts creations and for the papers for the symposium:
      Literary creations (poems, essays, letters, etc.) maximum 2 pages written in European format A4, Times New Roman Font 14, title in Bold; author, the coordinating teacher and school name, line spacing 2 rows below the title, written in Times New Roman size 12 Bold; then the content written with Times New Roman size 12, line spacing 1.5 rows.
    The languages for the students' creations can be Romanian, English or French.
    The papers teachers submit for the symposium, should be in English or French, or if you want your paper publishes in your mother tongue, please attach an English or French version, too.

   All  papers must  be sent by email to the section coordinators before the 1st of May 2017
       The papers which do not respect the technical specifications will be eliminated from the contest.
        All  art creations must  arrive at school by post  before the 1st of May 2017. So, please make sure you send them in time. It may take up to 2-3 weeks to arrive by post to Romania.
L    Arts and crafts creations (drawings, paintings, colages, etc.) will be made in European format A4 or A3, respecting the theme of the contest. Each exhibit will be labeled on the back with the following information: The theme, the name and class of the author, the name of the coordinating teacher, School, town, country. The carricatures will be scanned and sent by email to prof. Octavian Pop, email: detavisign@gmail.com

      Contact person for sending the materials for the creative contest for students  and symposium for teachers:Prof. Manuela STĂNESCU, email: stanescumanuela20@gmail.com     The caricature (drawings) exhibits for the exhibition will be sent to the school address:
        Mr. Octavian Pop, 
         Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" 
          str. Pasunii nr. 2A
          Baia Mare
Our end products will be:
·         the project blog,
·         the project eBook containing all materials sent by our partners. The eBook will have an ISBN code.
·         the arts and crafts exhibition,
·         a Facebook group for teachers for easier communication.
We will disseminate the project in articles on the project blog, Facebook group, in mass media.
The articles in the eBook will be examples of best practice in teaching for various school subjects as well as in school psychology and counseling and speech therapy. The eBook can also contain examples of educational soft shared with us by our partners.
These articles will also be published on the project blog, so anyone can access them.
English, français, italiano, română
Age range
5 - 19
Number of students
> 100
Art, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Drama, Environmental Education, European Studies, Foreign Languages, Geography, Health Studies,
History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Mathematics / Geometry, Media Education, Music, Natural Sciences, Philosophy / Logic, Physical Education, Physics, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Psychology, Religion, Social Studies / Sociology, Special Needs Education, Technology
Other software (Powerpoint,video,pictures and drawings)
Web publishing

Project coordinator: Adina Iosif, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
International Partners:
KENYA:  Wamba D.E.B Primary School, P.O Box 40, Wamba;  
Anna Filomena Mungiello, ICS "J. Stella" di Muro Lucano, Italy
Daniela Buda, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Reneta Raicheva, 36 SOU "Maksim Gorky", Bulgaria
BARBARA ZANDRAVELI, 4o Γυμνάσιο Πρέβεζας, Greece
ÖZLEM KOPARAL, BAYRAKLI 50.yıl İlkokulu, Turkey İrfan Çavdar, Başköy Şehit Ufuk Başarı Ortaokulu, Turkey
Lesia Shcherbatiuk, Cherkasy school № 7, Ukraine
Concetta De Luca, Circolo Didattico Piazza IV Novembre, Italy
Anca Hendea, Colegiul National Gheorghe Sincai, Romania
Aurelia-Gabriela Vanca, Colegiul National Gheorghe Sincai, Romania
CAMELIA-ELENA CIURTE, Colegiul Tehnic ''Anghel Saligny'', Romania
Annunziata Elia, ICS "A. Manzoni-D. Alighieri" di Cellino San Marco, Italy
Oksana Smal, Kovel gymnasium, Ukraine
Ketevan Kobakhidze, LEPL Tbilisi N 207 Public School, Georgia
Joanna Wilczyńska, Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im.Adama Mickiewicza w Łodzi, Poland
Monika Rzepecka, Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im.Adama Mickiewicza w Łodzi, Poland
Mihaela Luncean, Scoala Gimnaziala Mintiu Gherlii, Romania
SIMONA COSMA, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 18, Romania SIMONA COSMA, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 18, Romania
Alexandra-Anamaria Vlad, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 4, Structura Gradinita cu Program Prelungit Dumbrava Minunata, Rm. Valcea, Romania
Adina Cosma, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Adina Iosif, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Camelia Muraru, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Florica Codrea, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Laura Cont, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Lucia Pop, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Mariana Blavenstein, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Mariana Deac, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Raluca Salajan, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Simona Achim, Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania
Adriana Descultu, Scoala Gimnaziala, Zaharia Stancu, Rosiorii de Vede, Romania
Deniz Akalan, Selçuklu Yüksel Bahadır Alaylı Bilim Sanat Merkezi, Turkey
Gulhanim Dursun, Senlik İlkokulu, Turkey
Anna Sepioło, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 13 im. K. Makuszyńskiego w Starachowicach, Poland
Lena Riabushenko, Zhytomyr school № 27, Ukraine
Danijela Miličić Trebaticki, Предшколска установа "Радост", Serbia 

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