sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2019


Proiectul Internațional “Omul drag de la catedră”
Ediția a III-a 2018-2019
Concurs elevi. Simpozion Internațional dascăli
Inclus în CAERI, anexa 9 din OMEN nr. 3016/09.01.2019, poziția 1518
ISBN 978-606-725-262-0


Mr. Muhammad Anees, FATA University, English Works Program, Kohat, Pakistan

 I am Muhammad Anees from Pakistan. I perform my duties as in an English lecturer from last several years. I want to create creativity for my students. My views on the topic is innovative teaching materials.
Teachers always have played like switch button for their students and may switch the light for the future. FATA areas would be considered the most backward areas of Pakistan. From the last century, many of terrorist activities like Talibanization and other agencies actively involved in FATA areas and completely destroyed all the civilized needs and resources for the human life like hospitals, business and especially education sector. With the help of militant forces now up to fifty percent life to be in normal situation. So it would be very difficult task to smoothly control the thing in a panoramic condition. Besides the other responsibilities one of the important and major task would hand over to the innovative teacher. We take and accept this in 2017 almost at that time no educational concept at there in the FATA region, and we found many threats from different agencies, but we didn’t care about our life and families. We consider the awareness of education or “education for all” us a mission. It was November 2016 that for the first-time public-sector University at FATA region introduced and different subjects were provide for the students, but no one enrolled at the University because of having no educational concept. With the passage of time male students have showed their interest.
            I personally believe that students future would actually is in the hands of the teachers. It would be very difficult task that how female students will educate in the FATA area.
There are several innovative steps which we have taken for the students’ future.
Step 1:
For the 1st time we introduced in FATA region history “English language program” for the male and female students. My team (Mr. Adeel, Mr. Jahanzeb, Mr. Muhammad Anees, Ms. Shehzad, Ms. Memoona, Ms. Breekhna, Muhammad Sajjad and Mr. Rehan)
Male students have admissions have no issues with us but the female students’ enrolment would be very difficult tasks for me and my team. We practically done community visits both my male and female teams and to convince their parents and families on the record 54 female student for the first time at FATA region in Pakistan me and my team enrolled and quality education for the first time we provide to them.
Step 2:
I am an English Teacher I always taught to my students with practical learning. I personally involved with my student in different activities like art, making charts, how to make models, management I would my students practically in different programs management which will enhance their further activities. Along with English language I focused on other abilities of the students as well because most of the students after completing their education may not know about the certain things which create problems in their future.
Step 3:
I create Whats App group for my students this apps mean that whenever my student faces any problem in topic and need any guidance from me so my students’ access to me any time.
Step 4:
            My students’ level is intermediate a mature level not to be easily controlled in class but with the help of my fruitful correspondence and invitational teaching material they want take interest in my class.
Step 5:
For the first time at FATA region history in Pakistan we give English language learning classes along with employability skills for the students.
Step 6:
            For the first time in FATA region history me and my team introduced the concept of international days celebrations.
These are the certain innovative steps in teaching which I hope will improve my student’s knowledge and will make their future bright
I wish to devote myself to my students to give them encouragement and knowledge.

Female Students involve in arts activities at English Language Program

Male Students are doing various arts activities at Class

Male students celebrating special religious day “Eid Millan”

Students preparing for arts activities with help of their teacher “Muhammad Anees”

 Mr. Anees giving direction for celebrating Special day to students

 Teacher is busy with students

Female students are preparing for Religious Day “Eid Millan”

The College following various building damaged by the militant groups “taliban”  

Faculty Hostel Block

Students’ Hostel Building

Faculty Office Rooms

Female Hostel Block

Administration and Academic Block

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