duminică, 8 septembrie 2019

Valbona Lola - Erisa Miliku - Teacher in the past and today

Proiectul Internațional “Omul drag de la catedră”
Ediția a III-a 2018-2019
Concurs elevi. Simpozion Internațional dascăli
Inclus în CAERI, anexa 9 din OMEN nr. 3016/09.01.2019, poziția 1518
ISBN 978-606-725-262-0

Teacher in the past and today

Valbona Lola - Erisa Miliku
Greek –Albanian school “Omiros” Korce, Albania

School is an educational institution that society raises in order to serve it by preparing the future citizens. The rapid development of today's society, the quantity and variety of information made available to man, the use of the most advanced technological tools which have brought about changes in the teaching process, but also changed the role of the teacher. At all times, teachers are faced with a number of tasks: the education of the pupils, their guidance in the way of knowledge, the preparation of the next citizen. His mission always remains human and with multidimensional values. His image must be equipped with scientific knowledge, methodical skills and psychological and pedagogical culture. He must be patient, tough, to work passionately, to be an example and to expose professional and human values. He must always establish bridges of cooperation with pupils although many times he faces difficulties and obstacles. The teacher's frame in the past and today has changed.
Once the teacher was the man who was the most respected figure by the pupils, the parents, and also 
from the whole society. This respect even though it was not felt, it was imposed, his word was law for 

the pupil, the teacher was almost always scientifically prepared because the system allowed  to study 
only those who had average mark above a certain level. The teacher's role was pedantic, but he
 educated the students with real human values. He was a typical traditional, rigorous seeker, who 
carried out his job conscientiously , but on the other hand did not properly respect the rights of the 
pupils. All this authority made the teacher see the pupil not as a human being with a different identity 
and spiritual world, but to underestimate him and to make him feel strong emotions. It was from those
 teachers that the perception of knowledge was transmitted  by all  means which involved physical,
 emotional and psychological violence. The methodology of teaching consisted on the question-answer
 method and evaluation was based on this. The teacher explained and asked, the student only listened 
and answered when asked. The atmosphere in the classroom was cold, the answers were never loose, 
there was no debate or discussion. The teacher wanted more reproducing responses than synthetic,
 analytical or argumentative responses, so in the classroom there was a kind of passivity, there was very
 little group work or didactic tools. There were laboratories in different fields through which the 
teaching was materialized. The center of  teaching was the teacher and not the pupil, he played the role 
of the class leader, the information disseminator and considered himself very knowledgeable to learn
 something new. For the student there were severe penalties and many of them ended up in reeducation
 school. In order to do an additional research the student had to spend hours in the library searching for
 or studying books. His work was controlled by high instances and perhaps by fear he accomplished his
 work by whatever means or manner. Preparing the diary plan put the lessons inside the template 
frames. Parents always supported the teacher and not the child.
But what happens with the teacher today? With the installation of democracy in the country, the efforts
 of a modern school, the eager desire for freedom made both sides lost the sense of space for everyone. 
Misunderstanding freedom or ignorance of the right by the pupils creates a chaotic situation and a blink
 of the authority of the teacher. It can be said that today the teacher has have come entirely from
 traditional shell, using contemporary methods and motivating pupils, in the center of the teaching 
process is the learner and not the teacher, the lesson has come out from the common framework and 
mechanical learning reproduction, and more attention is paid to evaluation based on students' 
achievements, collaboration, and interaction. Technological achievements have made it possible to 
obtain information from a variety of sources. The learner makes quick internet research, Different
 methodologies are used to help learners understand better and easier. Group work is used and 
classroom climate is much more positive, which of course brings in a class of all-inclusiveness and
 enthusiasm. All this freedom and recognition of the pupils’ rights has brought its own negative effects,
 because pupils have begun to not recognize and disregard rules and discipline, have begun to violate
 the authority of the class teacher and without doubt this makes the teacher's profession a stressful and 
difficult profession and perhaps it  violates the process of teaching. There are conflicts that need to be
 solved with wisdom, discretion, and calmness. The triangle parent –student - teacher has began to fail,
 because pupils and parents’ only interest is mark and not knowledge. Today, the teacher is no longer a
 class leader, but an advisor, a helper, a companion, a parent who makes  pupils achieve their goals in
The job market is unfortunately filled with highly capable teachers, but on the other side there are also
 teachers who became teachers only for the sake of profession, despite the low results they have had at
 the university. The teacher tries to evaluate the pupils by all possible means such as homework, tests,
 projects or research work. Today, he is a guiding compass and a personality example. Today's teachers
 are more laughable, more communicative, loving but they also need to be fair, cautious, motivated,
 and original. If they are prone to fury or insecurity, it will certainly lead to mistakes at work, make 
them solid and monotonous, and a negative example for the student. Today's teacher needs to be in 
tune with the new information and remain a pupil forever who always learns and  does not decide with
 his teaching the common frameworks but formulates questions at all levels , questions that are not just
 a goal in itself, but an all-encompassing tool for learning. It involves questions that have to do with 
high levels of thinking. The way a teacher talks, how he uses facial expression, gestures and the
 energy he spends in the class is reflected in the concentration of students.
Regardless of what is said above, the profession of the teacher with all its negative sides is considered 
to be a magic profession. When you see the faces of your pupils who are embedded in your eyes, who 
look forward to what you will serve, when you see that they have walked ahead and have gained a 
victory you feel more proud than they themselves because you see that the small seeds you have
 planted have grown into large and giant trees and you see a civilized man walking in the street 
regardless of the profession he has taken you say to yourself , "All the work, the fatigue, the patience 
and stubbornness is well worthy."
The future of the society depends on the teacher. Let us be an example and a model for the students 
and society without requiring inside of us the perfection but by giving our best. If a society request is 
to move forward it should make possible to deploy the teacher in the right place and educate the pupil 
as it should be done.


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